Map of Ecuador

In brief

The centre-right president, Daniel Noboa of Acción Democrática Nacional (ADN), is facing a major diplomatic conflict after his government raided the Mexican embassy in order to capture Jorge Glas, a former vice-president (2013-17) of the left-wing Revolución Ciudadana (RC), who was convicted of corruption and was seeking to avoid an arrest warrant. 

In the short term, the raid has improved Mr Noboa's standing, as it has been seen by some as evidence of the president's tough stance on corruption; this perception may boost support for Mr Noboa's policy proposals in a referendum on April 21st. Nevertheless, the raid will deal a blow to Ecuador's reputation over the long term, as it violates international conventions that establish the inviolability of embassies in a host country. Moreover, Mr Glas is a key figure in RC, currently the largest party in Congress and with which Mr Noboa had a working relationship until recently. RC's support has been crucial to secure passage of several of Mr Noboa's bills. After the arrest of Mr Glas, RC legislators are likely to pose strong opposition to the Noboa administration. Trickier governability, together with a slowing economyweak public finances and energy shortages, will pose major challenges for the president.

Read more: Ecuador's raid on the Mexican embassy: the implications

Read more: Series of tax reforms will reduce fiscal risks

Read more: Large corruption case reveals growth of narcopolitics 

Economic growth

Economic growth
(% unless otherwise indicated)
2023 2024 2025
US GDP 2.5 2.2 1.8
Developed economies GDP 1.6 1.6 1.7
World GDP 2.5 2.5 2.7
World trade -0.3 2.5 3.4
Source: The Economist Intelligence Unit

Expenditure on GDP

(% real change)
= 2024
= 2025
Private consumption
2024=0.3, 2025=2.0
Government consumption
2024=1.2, 2025=1.7
Gross fixed investment
2024=0.2, 2025=2.5
Exports of goods & services
2024=-4.9, 2025=-2.8
Imports of goods & services
2024=-4.0, 2025=0.5
Source: The Economist Intelligence Unit