Journal of Nursing Measurement Vol 32 Issue 1

Journal of Nursing Measurement

Edited by:
Janice L. Hinkle, PhD, RN, CNRN
Editorial board
ISSN (print): 
ISSN (online): 
Included in: Web of Science (ESCI), SCOPUS, MEDLINE, PubMed, PsycINFO

The Journal of Nursing Measurement is the only journal that specifically addresses instrumentation in nursing.

Published three times a year, this peer-reviewed journal is the prime forum for disseminating information on instruments, tools, approaches, and procedures developed or utilized for measuring variables in nursing research, practice, and education. Particular emphasis is placed on evidence for the reliability, validity, sensitivity, and specificity of such instruments. The journal includes innovative discussions of theories, principles, practices, and issues relevant to nursing measurement.

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Manuscript Submission

Manuscripts for publication in the journal should be submitted online at our ScholarOne Manuscripts submission and peer review site (

Author Resources

We provide the following author resources. Please view the free sample issue and read the below material before submitting a manuscript:

Author Guidelines for Journal of Nursing Measurement (JNM)

The Journal of Nursing Measurement invites manuscripts directed to the interest of nurse clinicians, educators, and researchers. The purpose of the Journal is to serve as a forum for the dissemination of information regarding instruments, tools, approaches, or procedures developed or utilized for the measurement of variables for nursing practice, education, and research. Particularly welcome are manuscripts of studies on the development and testing of nursing measures, and evidence for the reliability and validity or sensitivity and specificity of such instruments. Innovative discussions of theories, principles, practices, and issues relevant to nursing measurement are invited as well. Letters and comments on published articles are welcome. Manuscripts will be acknowledged on receipt. Journal of Nursing Measurement is an indexed and refereed journal.

Following preliminary review by the Editors, each manuscript will undergo blind peer review by 2-3 experts in the methodology and the topic area of the manuscript. Articles are reviewed by members of the editorial review board comprised of measurement experts and also by individuals from the panel of manuscript reviewers who have backgrounds in a variety of clinical and functional areas. On publication, each author will receive a copy of the Journal in which his/her manuscript appears.

The following are guidelines for developing and submitting a manuscript. Manuscripts that do not conform to these guidelines will be returned to the author without review.

Manuscripts and Other Requirements

  1. Authors should submit their manuscript and supporting files (tables, instruments, figures) using ScholarOne Manuscripts at
  2. Place authors’ names, positions, titles, place of employment, mailing addresses, and email addresses on the cover page so that the manuscripts may be reviewed anonymously, and ensure that the manuscript uploaded to the ScholarOne site is blind.
  3. Manuscripts should be professionally prepared in accordance with the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th Edition.
  4. The full length of the submission (including tables) should be no longer than 25 double-spaced pages.
  5. An abstract of approximately 125 words should include the following headings: (a) Background and Purpose, (b) Methods, (c) Results, (d) Conclusions, and (e) 4 to 6 keywords.
  6. Keywords are published with the article. Terms from the medical subject headings (MeSH) list of Index Medicus should be used, if at all possible.
  7. Letters to the Editor should be under 300 words. Those accepted for publication may be edited or abridged.
  8. Double-space everything, including references, quotations, tables, and figures.
  9. Leave generous margins (at least one inch all around) on each page.
  10. Type should not exceed 18 characters per inch.
  11. Avoid footnotes whenever possible.
  12. Quotations of 300 words or more from one source require written permission from the copyright holder for reproduction. Adaptation of tables and figures also requires reproduction approval from the copyrighted source. It is the author’s responsibility to secure such permission, and a copy of the publisher’s written permission must be provided to the Journal editors immediately upon acceptance of the manuscript for publication.
  13. Figures should be high quality and submitted as a TIFF, JPEG, PDF, or EPS electronic file, with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Please do not send native file formats (e.g., Excel, PowerPoint).
  14. Be sure your manuscript includes a brief acknowledgments section.

Note: Authors bear full responsibility for the accuracy of references, quotations, tables, and figures.

Manuscript Content Requirements

It is strongly recommended that potential authors review recent issues of the journal. Manuscripts submitted are most often original research studies or review articles.

Research articles should include the following headings: (a) Introduction (purpose and scope of research), (b) Background and Conceptual Framework, (c) Methods, (d) Results, (e) Discussion, (f) Relevance to nursing practice, education or research, (g) References, and (h) Figures or tables with legends.

Review articles should include the following headings: (a) Introduction (purpose and scope of review), (b) Background and Conceptual Framework, (c) Methods, (d) Results, (e) Discussion, (f) Relevance to nursing practice, education or research, (g) References, and (h) Figures or tables with legends.

ANY questions? Contact the editor at [email protected].

The Journal of Nursing Measurement is a peer-reviewed journal that specifically addresses instrumentation in nursing. It serves as a prime forum for disseminating information on instruments, tools, approaches, and procedures developed or utilized for measuring variables in nursing research, practice, and education. Particular emphasis is placed on evidence for the reliability, validity, sensitivity, and specificity of such instruments. The journal includes innovative discussions of theories, principles, practices, and issues relevant to nursing measurement.

Journal Information

Author Guidelines for Journal of Nursing Measurement (JNM)
Peer Review Guidelines
Open Access

Editorial Board

Tamilyn Bakas, PhD, RN, FAHA, FAAN
University of Cincinnati College of Nursing
Cincinnati, Ohio

Katie Hooven, PhD, RN, MBA, CAPA, CNE
The College of New Jersey
Department of Nursing
Ewing, New Jersey

Pamela Kulbok, DNSc, RN, PHCNS-BC, FAAN
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia

Ratchneewan Ross, PhD, RN, FAAN
University of Louisville
Louisville, Kentucky

Jaclene A. Zauszniewski, PhD, RN-BC, FAAN
Case Western Reserve University
Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing
Cleveland, Ohio

